Issue Tracker – Project – Detail


Status: open
Current Version:
Lead: user
Tech: Prasanna
Tester: SAVZ

All Reported Issues: 4
All Open Issues: 0
Open High Issues: 0

1) Implement the usage.php to send data in new format and into the new database.
1.1) Some Parameters of Site info, admin info , license info etc. will be sent to LCM server
LCM New Plan & Improvements Brief:

LCM New Schema Intro:

Database Login: (Database is 'lcm')
User: jkaes Pass: !BasePW454545

New Status Tracking:
Code Explainer:

2) Create license options page in the plugin to generate site secret and place to enter license and check validation
2.1) On first activation create secret options (if not exists) in wp like (plugid_license) as an array to store the license key, site secret, license status
2.2) If license is not valid show dashboard notice to enter license (Link to license setting page)
2.3) Create a settings page for license, on that page show site anchor, site secret to copy paste while generating license and show input for license
2.4) Upon entering license they can click activate button and after clicking that with ajax call checkin.php to verify license and show response.
License Activation:


License settings page is now under Sample>License in dashboard

Use 'wp crontrol'  Plugin to manually run the cron jobs

Code Explainer:

3) Handle The license verification procedure from remote checkin.php file and license.php ajax callback
3.1) If license verified first time schedule corn to check the license validity every 24 hours
3.2) If license is expired or invalid show notice On every admin pages and ask to activate license
Make sure corn schedule checked if exists before creating
License Verification and after action:
Demo: Explainer:
4) Make LCM download.php to host the authorized upgrade for anchor site
4.1) Rewrite the update.php in LCM to check latest version from the same source but if update available then check license
4.1.1) if valid license then get the package CDN link from checkin.php and schedule update
4.1.2) If invalid or expired license then show notice in place of update notice (There is a new version but you need valid license to update)
Auto Update if license valid:
Demo: .txt file that contains latest version number is moved to CDN

See details in the written documentation

Code Explainer:

5) Create a sample client login area to generate license for their quota
5.1) Create client folder under LCM and make minimal login
5.2) Allow clients/users to login and create license upto their purchased quota
5.3) Users can create license by entering the anchor url and site secret
6) Create Minimal admin section to see the plugins and sites using it and all its status
6.1) Allow the creation of license packages
6.2) Ability to assign packages to clients
6.3) See all sites using the plugins and eahc ones license ststus etc.
6.4) We need to create ability in the admin interface to deactivate the license (Also suportive corn and codes to execute this directive)
6.5 we need to create ability in the admin interface to remote deactive the plugin (Also suportive corn and codes to execute this directive)
Plugin deactivation is still glitchy and need thorough testing
7) Create a second sample plugin and which is similar and test the LCM system thoroughly to see if it works good with many products
7.1) Find inconsistency in previous database design and make adjustment
Status need to be plugin specific as well as anchor specific
8) Create an example API interface that interacts with the plugins for example if the plugin provides a number then the api returns the next number
User will enter an number in the plugin option page then the plugin will request api server for reply then plugin show the reply
Most plugin will need API key which plugin need to access remote services
URl for API: Embedded inside the plugin code
User ID:
Associated Password: Api Key
Api response should be specific instead of empty in case of error
Installed Gravity Forms/Flow/View and all of the addons
# Status need to be plugin specific as well as anchor specific
# Api response should be specific instead of empty in case of error
# Create a second sample plugin and which is similar# Improve the checkin cron event and merge it under one corn job like gravity flow here
# Thoroughly test the lcm system with 2 sample plugins in the same system
# Optimize the LCM code and make it more robust
# Create the final test instruction

Apart from the video instructions I wrote a Full documentation on LCM app which is complete and latest.
It can help you test thoroughly, here is the document