Project: Simplia - Marketplace Flow Testing
STATUS Status: open Current Version: |
TEAM Lead: yubi Tech: Ratish Tester: yubi |
BUG STATUS All Reported Issues: 11 All Open Issues: 11 Open High Issues: 9 |
Marketplace Flow Testing ========================== Note# We have to wait to get simplia logs to load fully in Console (Fn Key + F12) and then start testing. 1. Open Simplia Landing Page.It will show two types of services a.Request a Service (Consumer) b.Offer a Service (Provider) Each service is having two buttons Search(on right side) and Post(On Left side). Note: 1.Consumer can see all the posts created by providers. 2.Providers can see all the posts created by consumers
2. Post Creation Flow: a. Offer a Service: (Provider) Put some phrase in textbox. Click on Post. b. Agreement Panel will open.Click on confirm button. c. It will be re-directed to Marketplace panel showing all the consumer posts. d. Provider can see new post created in his account panel attachments.
3. Post Creation Flow: a. Request a Service: (Consumer) Put some phrase in textbox.Click on Post. b. Agreement Panel will open.Click on confirm button. c. It will be re-directed to Marketplace panel showing all the provider posts. d. Consumer can see new post created in his account panel attachments.
4. Behaviour Flow Testing: a. Request a service (consumer) Put some phrase in textbox.Click on Post. b. Agreement Panel will open.Click on confirm button. c. It will be re-directed to Marketplace panel showing all the provider posts. d. Consumer can select right menu option of the post and click on "create Lead". e. The Lead will be now available for consumer in his account panel attachments. f. Consumer can navigate to account panel atatchments and open the new lead. g. Provide can see same lead under the attachment of his post in account panel. h. Provider will open the lead. i. Lead is opened with provider role for Provider and Consumer role for Consumers j. Provider can go to the right menu option of lead action menu and can see allowed action "Create Quote". At the same time, the right menu action menu for consumer is blank. k. Provider clicks the action menu "Creae Quote" and status of lead changes to "new quote" (Can be visible in the lead panel in state field for both consumer and provider) l. In state of order, right menu of provider will show action menu as "Create Order" and for consumer it will be blank again. m. Provider can click the right menu action "Create Order" and status of panel for both Provider and Consumer chnaged to "NEw Qrder" n. Provider can see now right menu action as "Create Job".Still the consumer right menu action is blank. o. Provider can click on right menu action as "Create Job". In this case, state will not change.Consumer can see right menu option "Agree to Job". p. Consumer can now click the right menu option "Agree to Job", status of panel changes to "Job accepted". q. Provider can see right menu action option "Complete Job" r. Once, provider can click right menu action menu "Complete job",status of lead changes to "Job Completed" s. Provider can see right menu action option "Request Payment".At same time, consumer can see right menu option "Make Payment". t. Once consumer click "Make Payment", status of form chnages to "Payment done" u. Now, in this state right menu action menu is blank but consumer has right menu option as "Open Ticket". v. On Consumer clicking "Open Ticket",status of form shows "Ticket Opened". w. Provider next right menu action is "Close ticket". x. Once Provider click right menu action "Close ticket".status chnaged to "Ticket Closed" In this close state,consumer will again get right menu option "Open Ticket". |